How to use pots without holes or cover pots in order to let the plant grow properly?
Pots without holes (or cover pots) can be useful to grow the plant. Let us see how:
Indoor usage:
-in this case create a layer with expanded clay, then add the non-woven layer. On top of it insert the plant together with soil.
There is the possibility to place on the bottom a watering reservoir (please verify its availability at stock) and in this case it is enough to add soiltogether with the plant. remeber to check always the right umidity of the soil according to the crop.
There is also a chance to drill the pot by using a driller. In this case, it is very important to consider the usage of the saucer.
On the external bottom of our pots and saucers are displayed, with a symbol, the right place where to drill the pot for the drainage.
The sizes of the holes must be around 3-4 mm. After drilling the pots, fill the pot out with expanded clay (or similar material); then, add the plant and the soil paying attention not to obstruct holes underneath. Water the plant step-by-step.
Outdoor usage:
- in this case pots can be drilled on the bottom (as described above) and an appropriate saucer must be used to guarantee to the plant a minimum of watering reservoir.
Drilled pots can be used also without a saucer. This depends according to the needs of the plant that someone want to grow. In fact, not all the plants need a watering reservoir. In this case, pay attention not to place a pot on surfaces that can be damaged with the water (eg. wood surfaces, etc..). The bottom of our pots has always some small hills to foster the leaking of the water allowing also a passage of the air for the roots.
Especially, our pots in The Mood Line and some pots in our Roto moulding collection have on the bottom some over-flow towers which allow them to have a watering reservoir and at the same time release the amount of water in excess.