What is the saucer and how to use it?
Outdoor Use
The saucer helps the plant to have a watering reservoir. Thus, it is important to choose the right saucer. The right choice of the right size depends on the amount of water that you want to have as a reserve.It can be defined according to the type of plant and the size of the pot. You can choose not to use the saucer, in fact not all plants need a watering reservoir.
When you do not use the saucer, it is advisable to pay attention where to put the plant because the water leaks easily from the holes and the floor can get dirty.
Most of our bowls and throughs have the possibility to have already a clicked saucer on the pot. This clicking system is patented and it helps the movement of the complete unit.
Indoor Use
When using drilled pots it is necessary to always provide them with a saucer. The watering procedures must be carried out very carefully in order to prevent water from leaking onto the floor. Proceed by pouring the water very slowly and please wait a few minutes for any additions. The frequency of watering plants depends on the type of the plant, soil, exposure to heat and sunlight.