How pots with double skin were used?
The "Oltrevaso Collection" embeds double wall pots. The height of the pots can be an obstacle for the maintenance of the plant.
The double wall is useful to avoid an eccessive use of soil which it will allow people water plants easily and to drag it easily too.
Let us see how to use double wall pots.
Indoors use:
In this case, please add the expanded clay or stones on the inner bottom iup to the inner edge. Then, cover it with non-woven material, add the soil with the plant accordingly.
It is advisable not to drill the pot. Pay attention to water the plant and check the umidity of the soil.
There is also the possibility to place on the bottom the watering reservoir. In this case, it is enough to add the soil with the plant and check the umidity of the soil according to the type of the crop. Finally, water it accordingly.
Cover pot usage for indoors:
Place the plant inside the planter without drilling the pot. The bottom will be used as a saucer. There is a chance to use also the saucer in order to ease the cleanings inside the pot.
Outdoor use:
Drill the upper bottom part of the pot, on the inner edge are displayed the marks where to drill the pot. Verify that the lower bottom part does not have a cap. If so, remove it for the leaking.
Fill the planter up with dreinage materials such as expanded clay or stones up to the edge. Moreover, place the plant and fill it up with soil, accordingly. The drilling on the edge allows you to have a watering reservoir and to drain the excess water.
If the plant does not need a water reservoir, you can drill the inside bottom of the pot (not on the step). Check always that the lower bottom part is drilled in order to prevent internal stagnation of water.
On some models there is a chance to have a watering reservoir system. However, it is advisable to drill the inner edge and to check that the bottom does not have a cap in order to ease the leaking of the water.
After drilling the planter, plant it up properly and check that the soil has the right umidity according to the type of crop. Finally, water the plant accordingly. We recommend you to check where the pot it is placed because the water can leak from the holes on the bottom and it can damage the pavement.
Outdoor usage as a cover pot:
Place the plant inside the pot without drilling it. In this case, the bottom of the pot can be used a cover pot. If the pot is exposed to rain it is advisable proceed in two ways: to empty it preventing that the collected water can damage the plant or to drill its bottom for the drainage of the water. In this latter case, place place the pot outside as shown.